We Invite Tunas Jakasampurna School Parents to Our Soft Open House.

When you plant a tree or a flower, you cannot tell them to grow like the way you want it or in a time of your choosing. You can only take care of the surroundings like how much water it gets, how much sunlight comes in, and the quality of the soil.

The essence of Tunas Jakasampurna School education is to let oneself grow naturally without any interference or modification. We believe in genetic intelligence that is unique in everyone. As educators, we inspire young minds to reach their fullest potentials.

Tunas Jakasampurna School now combines the national curriculum with Cambridge education. Yes, we are moving forward! We invite our Tunas Jakasampurna School parents to visit our Soft Open House at our Function Hall on December 21st, 2019 from 09.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.

Tunas Jakasampurna School
